Wednesday, December 19, 2007

thing 12

Well after using the VBPL instant messenger, i have a little different opinion of it. I do see how it could be useful, especially for teenage patrons. The librarian i spoke to mentioned that she was able to help a student who wasn't able to make it to the library because of transportation issues. So in that situation I think it is quite useful. Also reading the article makes me more aware that many teens, may feel very nervous talking to the librarian or especially calling the library, and this might be a good alternative for them.

thing 11

I would be reluctant to use IM in the library. I don't think that it would be as helpful as other types of technology would be. Also, from my experience as an IM user i know that things don't always get communicated very clearly. I also feel that sometimes I get frustrated when i don't get to actually talk to a real person when I need assistance, and sometimes I feel that way when I am using IM.

One of the positive aspects of using Instant messenger is that it is what it says Instant. So if you do prefer to go the technology route for assistance, you are able to get your answers much quicker as opposed to maybe using email.

Useful blogs and newsfeeds

The easiest way to find feeds for me was to just go to some news sites myself and get a subscription. I also talked to co-workers about different sites that they used. With them having been in the system longer it was useful to have their advise.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

RSS readers

I think RSS feeders are very useful in having instant access to information without haveing to waste time going to several different sites. At the library it will be helpul in finding new books that are coing out, or other things that might be useful to patrons.

Thought on 2point0

I think that web 2.0 is important to the library system and adding to the technological changes that are already taking place. We are the center of information, and I think it is important to have a greater understanding for the most cutting edge technology for accessing information.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The 7 Habbits

Out of the 7 habits- the one that is easiest for me is 7.5 Play!
I always keep a good sense of humor about everything that I do.

The goal that I need the most work on is viewing problems as challenges. Many times when a problem arises, I tend to get very angry or just want to give up. Eventually down the line those problems end up being blessing in disguise. My goal is to always try to keep this in mind.