Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 30

As I mentioned in the last blog, i really enjoyed library thing. it is a neat little site that gives you an oppertunity to discuss the great book you just read that your friends have probably never heard of.
The format seemed pretty good. I definately had an advantage in the program having been around computers for awhile now and having already used programs such as myspace and instant messenger. The only problem that I had with it was that I didn't even start at the library until late november so i was already behind and felt rushed. I would have liked more time to discover a littel more and maybe have a something a little more profound to say in my blogs. but of course that was my own personal problem.
I think I would participate in the future. I thought it was a neat program. Of course it always helps to have an incintive such as the Mp3 player.

Thing 29

My favorite discovery excercise was learning about Library Thing. What a cool site! I thik of all the things on here, that is one of the tools that I may even use outside of work. It was also neat to learn about some other new sites that I have not heard of. I didn't know about all the cool image generators, so it was fun to play around with that as well.
I think that web 2.0 is going to be very helpful for me in the future. They way technology is changing and growing everywhere, it is really useful to get to have a head start on it.

Thing 28

I liked Rollyo. It is a great way to get the best sites for a certain topic. I, for instance, am always looking for different sites that have song chords and lyrics. This was a great way to find all the sites that have what i am looking for, and seems to be more of an exact match, than just typing in something in google. I think this could be useful for the library. We could gather all sites including book reviews, best sellers, author biographies, etc. This would be helpful not only for staff, but could easily be shared with patrons as well.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thing 27

I really like this site! There was so many books and ratings on there. I think it will be fun to leave reviews and discuss the books with other readers. I look foward to speding more time on this site.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 26-Image generators

This was neat! This is an image of my name in Chinese.

Thing 25

I really liked Arizona State University's Website and choices of Webcasts. I liked that it gave you an option of programs they had, such as history, music, and science programs. One thing that I wish they would have had, were stories or excerpt readings from books like the Denver library had.

I think that certain library patrons may find these links helpful, however like myself, i think some people prefer to have something physical to check out such as the audio cd or good old fashioned book.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

thing 24

This like you tube might be something useful for the library website. This is a link to a reading of an excerpt from Toni Morrison's "Paradise." This could be somthing that library patrons might be able to link onto and hear some readings if they are iontersted in the author or might be interested in a certain book.

One of the problems is that most of the other audio downloads you have to pay for. So that would be something to consider when putting links on the library's website.

thing 23 you tube love youtube! I love that you can find videos of so many cool things. i chose a Doc Watson video clip. He is an amzing folk musician who has been blind since birth. I love being able to find so many classic video clips that i may never have another way to acsess. I also really love that it gives you a list of related clips from the artist or other artists that may be similar. I could spend hours on here if i had time!

I happened to type in Stephen King, the first author that came to my head. It has a clip of him on there that is him giving advice to people who might want to learn to be writters. This is something that i think could be added to library websites. Maybe have something like book reviews with clips of authors talking about their work.

thing 22

I was really fascinated by Mapper. I am someone who is personally interested in traveling, especially around the United States. I love to see beautiful pictures of great places that I might not have know about or have been wanting to go. This is a great way to get a really good look at what real life can be like in the rest of the country.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

thing 21

Tagging is good for getting just the image you are looking for with out having to go through every single phot0. Having those tags is a good way to build community. As the library blog suggests, you might be looking at photos from your hometown and see the library in there and be informed about some programs that you weren't aware of going on there. This could be true for other community events. It is another way to find people who have your common interests.

thing 20

This is an image of a beautiful Hatian woman who is smiling. I heard a news program the other day about people who had to eat dirt there becuase there was absolutly nothing else there for them to eat. They are the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. It is noce to see in this picture that a woman is still smilling and full of life. And it also looks like she has some fresh produce.

Thing 19

I selected Pandora from the web 2.0 awards list. I really like that you can type in any artist and it will give you a whole selection from that artists as well as other artists that are related musically. I also like that it doesn't just give you their most popular songs but other song that you might not have heard before. One thing i don't like is that it can't always play the specific song that you might be looking for.

i'm not so sure pandora would be real useful in the library setting, unless they were having soe kind of display or focus program on music.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

thing 18

it is amazing how many blogs are out there about web 2.o. This seems like a great search to get very specific information on a subject.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 17

I think tagging is great! You can access your favorite web pages from any where without having to remember all the URLs all the time. This would be helpful throughout the whole library system. There could be a whole list of tags set on all the computers for easy access to all relevant reference sites.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thing 16

I have a my space profile. I think it is fun, and pretty easy to maneuver around the site and create a profile. I think people like the fact that you can add photos, change backgrounds, add music. You have your own personal website for free.

Thing 15

I don't really have a strong opinion on VBPL's use of a social network. I think that the Instant messenger seems o be pretty handy, so maybe the social network would be helpful too. While 50% of kids use the social network to get help with their homework, etc. ; I think that kids are more likely to talk to other kids for help or just for general conversation.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

thing 14

I liked my experience adding to the VBPL wiki. It was very east to figure out how to use and edit. This is a great and easy way to get a whole staff involved and have a great forum for communication.

thing 13

I think Wikis are great for the library. I enjoy the book reviews and extra information about community events. They are also great for the community to get access and know what help, and various social services are out there and apply to them.