Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 30

As I mentioned in the last blog, i really enjoyed library thing. it is a neat little site that gives you an oppertunity to discuss the great book you just read that your friends have probably never heard of.
The format seemed pretty good. I definately had an advantage in the program having been around computers for awhile now and having already used programs such as myspace and instant messenger. The only problem that I had with it was that I didn't even start at the library until late november so i was already behind and felt rushed. I would have liked more time to discover a littel more and maybe have a something a little more profound to say in my blogs. but of course that was my own personal problem.
I think I would participate in the future. I thought it was a neat program. Of course it always helps to have an incintive such as the Mp3 player.

1 comment:

Cindy Hart said...

Congrats! You completed 30 things, collaborated with peers and evolved as a lifelong learner.